Charlotte Bell – Fiber Art
My life has led me down various paths. In 1974 I began my career as a fiber artist. Those first 10 years I made clothing out of chamois leather, deer hides and soft sheep hides. Then I moved to Texas and decided to use cotton instead. Leather is too hot! I hand painted and silkscreened my designs onto cotton satin and then cotton knit. I also took special photographs and printed them onto silk with I appliquéd onto the garments. This brought me to photography which I have focused on since 2000. However I am now going back to my garment roots with ponchos. Along the way I learned rug hooking from a group of women in central Mexico so I am also doing that as well. Yes I like variety. I am now offering my ponchos and hooked rugs, some made into pillows, for sale. Who knows what’s next. Stay tuned.